Solutions for Stubborn Neck and Jaw Fat

Your face is your calling card – the first thing people notice about you. Whether you’re happy or sad, young or old, your face makes a big first impression. But what happens when your face doesn’t look the way you want it to due to excess fat in the jowls and neck? What can you do to improve the look of your face when these stubborn deposits don’t seem to want to budge? Here are some solutions to help lose some of that extra weight for good.

Diet and Exercise

It goes without saying that the easiest way to lose weight is through a healthy diet and exercise. If you could benefit from these lifestyle changes, speak to your doctor about getting on a program to help you do so safely. If you are already on a program or are at a healthy weight but still cannot lose the stubborn fat deposits around the face and neck, there may be more options to consider.

Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is a little-known option for patients with stubborn fat deposits around the neck. Neck liposuction can help create the appearance of a more streamlined, chiseled jaw, as well as a more youthful appearance. The procedure is great for both men and women. In addition to neck liposuction, Dr. Sanovich can also perform a muscle-tightening procedure in the neck while he is performing the neck liposuction procedure. This tightens the thin platysma muscles under the skin, preventing them from sagging, which enhances the liposuction results.


Kybella is the nonsurgical solution to stubborn fat deposits underneath the chin. This injectable treatment is the only FDA-approved solution of its type to treat under the chin fat deposits or double chin. Kybella treatments can be done in the office, and patients who receive the injection can usually return to work within several days. Kybella works best with several treatments, though how many treatments depends on how large the fat deposits are. Dr. Sanovich will customize a treatment plan with Kybella so that you only get the treatments you need, and you end up with beautiful, streamlined results.

To learn more about your options for treating stubborn fat around the neck and jaw, please contact Dr. Sanovich’s office at (972) 914-3660

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