What to Expect When Undergoing a Face-Lift Procedure

blonde woman sitting inside smiling

You’ve made the decision to undergo a face-lift procedure with Dr. Sanovich – congratulations! You likely thought long and hard about this choice, and probably even had lots of consultations and conducted your own research about the procedure itself. As surgery day draws closer, you may be getting a little nervous about what you need to do to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect afterward. But don’t worry. Dr. Sanovich has some useful tips and guidelines for you to follow to make the best of your surgical procedure.

Read Up

The first thing you want to do before your procedure is to read the preoperative instruction packet that Dr. Sanovich provides you when you book your procedure. This handy sheet will tell you everything you should and shouldn’t do prior to your face-lift procedure. Be sure to read it right away so you don’t find out too late that you’ve missed an important step!

Go Shopping

On the pre-operative information sheet, Dr. Sanovich has made a post-op shopping list of items you need to stock up on prior to your procedure. You are not going to want to go to the store for a few days after your procedure, so be sure to get the items on the list well in advance of your surgery.

Make Plans

You must have a ride home from your procedure, so please be sure to have one arranged in advance. The person you choose to bring you home should be the person who brings you to the procedure – and that person should preferably be the person who will be caring for you for the first 12 to 24 hours after your procedure. This will allow Dr. Sanovich and his staff to go over your care instructions in detail with that person.

Read and Re-Read

On the night before your procedure, re-read the instructions one more time to be sure you have taken care of everything on the list – especially the guidelines for when to stop eating and drinking for the night. There is even a section of guidelines for the day of surgery, including what to wear on the day of the operation.

After the Procedure

It’s normal to be nervous about what can happen after your surgery, but if you follow Dr. Sanovich’s instructions, there should be much less to worry about.

First, you can expect your face to be bruised and swollen for a couple of weeks. Don’t worry – it will go away, and soon your beautiful results will be revealed. To reduce the severity and duration of swelling, keep your head elevated during rest. Your face may even feel tight or numb at first. This is normal.

You will be sent home in facial dressings. Do not remove any dressing unless you are instructed to do so.

If you have any discomfort that is not well controlled with the medications prescribed by Dr. Sanovich or if you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call Dr. Sanovich.

Take it easy. Get caught up on your Netflix queue, read a book, or just rest for a few days following your procedure. You may feel like getting up and walking around by the third-day post-op, but don’t overdo it!

If you have any questions or concerns, or to schedule a consultation for a face-lift procedure with Dr. Sanovich, please call (972) 914-3660

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