What Is the Profound Lift?

blonde woman sitting outside smiling

As we get older, our bodies go through some very dramatic changes – many of which occur in our face. From age spots to wrinkles to enlarged pores, the skin on our faces can be an indicator of everything from genetics to how diligently we’ve worn sunblock over the years.

One of the biggest problems our skin encounters as we age is the loss of collagen. Collagen is the most common naturally occurring protein in the human body. It can be found everywhere from the bones to the ligaments, hair, nails, and, yes, the skin. Unfortunately, that loss of collagen often leads to problems like loss of skin elasticity, which leads to some of those common signs of aging such as sagging skin.

Thankfully, you no longer have to simply accept the appearance of sagging skin on your face and neck. A laser face-lift procedure called the Profound Lift was designed to address these exact problems and restore a more youthful, taut look to the face, chin, and neck.

What Is the Profound Lift?

The Profound Lift is a patented face-lift procedure that uses lasers to naturally stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the lower half of the face. It does this by heating the collagen and elastin already present in the skin to the exact temperature and for the precise amount of time needed to encourage the new growth without the need for surgery or injectables.  

How Long Does It Take?

The Profound Lift procedure itself takes about 45 minutes to complete, under local anesthetic. Best of all, results are achieved after just one treatment, so there’s no need to make multiple appointments.

What Is Recovery Like?

Unlike traditional face-lifts, Profound Lift has a very short and comparatively mild recovery time. Some patients will experience some bruising following the procedure but will be able to resume normal activities within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

How Soon Will I See Results?

Following your Profound Lift treatment, you can expect to begin seeing results within six to eight weeks of your treatment. Results will occur slowly over time, with optimal results showing around the four to six-month mark.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results from the Profound Lift will vary depending on the individual. The better care you take of your health (i.e., wearing sunblock, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight) the longer your results will last.

Want to learn more? Give Dr. Sanovich’s office a call at (972) 914-3660